Paris Hilton calling Britney Spears name
Paris Hilton calling Britney Spears name

Paris Hilton isn’t too happy after getting dumped by vagina showing Britney Spears and has now started referring to her as Animal, because, “Britney Spears doesn’t think about things before she does them. Britney Spears just acts out.” A Hilton source says Britney Spears dumping of the socialite isn’t personal:
Britney Spears called Paris and said she had decided not to be seen in public with her ‘for now.’ Britney told Paris that it’s not personal
We assume its all about the business of selling her new album and material she can use in the upcoming Vanity Fair article. The only action the pissed off Paris Hilton could do was not invite Brit to her December 18 Christmas party. Paris’ plan of using Britney Spears for her personal gains has now evaporated into nothing more than angel dust or is it baggies of grass?
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