Britney Spears Has a New Strategy

To decrease her celebrity value. By now, a lot of you must have seen the video shot by X17 where britney spears invited one of their videographers to shoot a personal message to the world. In it, she talks like a dumb blond 10 years younger than her age, making sarcastic remarks at the way the media has hounded her (how ironic) as well as her management team (where she for the first time confirms that they forced her into rehab).
Furthermore, she has now made a 180 turn and has embraced the paparazzi with smiles and praise, even screaming out loud how much she loves the attention they’re giving her. Truth is…..and well, this is my two cents on this……britney spears might be making a smart move here. By making herself available more and more to those photographers as she goes about her day doing nothing over the ordinary, she’s actually decreasing the value she possesses in-front of the media. Simple supply and demand really. If you notice, she speaks of nothing we actually would be interested in, such as any new information about her album or tour.
Speaking of that, we’re hearing rumors she might throw an intimate tour with The House of Blues, I will try to confirm these reports as soon as I can. Here’s the other issue though: Britney spears threw a low punch at the people that manage hot britney spears career and business……that’s a moronic move, and that’s just my opinion. Think about it, after she shot that video with X17, she pretty much said “Anybody who manages me and doesn’t roll with my punches, I’m gonna call out in-front of the paparazzi” and in the business, that’s perceived as a bad move. Nobody wants to get their name in the mud like that. There’s a difference between business and personal. Granted, all of what I’m saying is me assuming that she actually wants to get back in the game, make some music, get her fans back, and make some serious money.
You’re going to think I’m biased, since I’m friends with her management team, but I’ll try to be as subjective as I possibly can. Her management team have known her since she was 15, they understand exactly what she’s about and there’s no substitute for that, even if you’re Irving Azoff. Britney is a lose cannon, she always has been, even if she has periods when she’s all chill for a couple of weeks, and that’s pretty much the number 1 danger and fear behind a manager that puts his name, effort and resources on the line.
Britney Spears pic is unpredictable, and I mean that in its purest form, and I don’t think I have to present facts, because the world has seen it all. Her best bet is to stay with Larry Rudolph, who was one of the very few that held her together during her peak. He’s the bread, she’s peanut butter and jelly, lol. I will always question whether there’s ever going to be any “true integrity” involved between them, especially after he jumped back into her world, but most of the times, that matters not, and especially in the world they’re in.
Either way…..Britney will need a new publicist and a 24/7 stylist…..some new people she can come to trust….but britney spears wallpapers should keep the people that once made her who she is close. You don’t rebuild something from scratch at this point…..not with everything that has happened, and that is my opinion! Please discuss.
Decreasing her celebrity value will not help her and I don’t think it will necessarily stop from more paparazzi following her to videotape more idiotic comments coming out of her mouth. That video was dumb. Especially for someone who shaved her head and recently came out of rehab. Later today all the gossip sites will have this video up and I bet you that most of the comments will be negative with mostly comments saying that she’s crazy and going straight back to the loony bin. Maybe she was trying to be sarcastic but that only works if on a daily basis you come off as super smart and put together like Scarlett Johanassen or Kate Winslet. Then people might find it funny and understand the cynicism behind the dumb act. Britney can’t pull it off because most people already think she’s dumb and insane.
It’s also a slap in the face to most of her fans and her management. If she has the time to do this she also has the time to put up a video on her website with a genuine message to her fans thanking them for supporting her through this difficult time. Instead she turns a message to her fans into a complete farce. And she should be thanking Larry Rudolph for sticking by her instead of leaving her ass again. Britney spears wallpapers needs Larry and I don’t care how much she’s worth, people will not want to manage a child who acts out and throws temper tantrums. Everyone has their limit and Britney is really testing those limits right now. It really makes you understand why someone like her with money and looks (at least she used to look good) can’t find a decent guy. It’s because most intelligent, decent men with any integrity would not put up with this. The only guys who want to deal with a woman with the mentality of a child are those who are just out to steal her money and fame.
I don’t know what else to say. Britney spears definitely needs a 24/7 stylist because no one with as much money as Britney has the excuse to wear a broke dollar store wig, cowboy hats, and clothes that look like were bought at a thrift store. Britney spears pictures’d be better off wearing just jeans and a sweater or tshirt 365 days/year. I can’t believe she has to try to look this bad. Sad.
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