Although Paris Hilton is a model, singer, actress, author and a reality TV star, she seems to be better known for her personal life than her accomplishments.
Some of these people are famous, and we don't even know why," said Chris Blair, the chair of the communication arts program at Union University.
Naked Paris Hilton was famous before she was on television. She was famous for just being a pretty, thin millionaire. That was her claim to fame."
But her star status hasn't kept her out of trouble. In September, she failed a sobriety test. Later, police caught her driving on a suspended license twice. The second violation resulted in a 45-day jail sentence. Paris Hilton was scheduled for early release from a Los Angeles prison today.
While some teenagers think Hilton is "cool" because of her style, beauty and personality, some parents say her lifestyle of partying sets a bad example.
"Not everyone we see on TV is living the right life," said Janet Hayes of Milan.
Hilton, a hotel heiress, may be wealthy and beautiful, but that doesn't make her a good role model, she said.
Hayes and her 15-year-old daughter, Tiffanie, sometimes discuss the images they see in the media of young celebrities such as Hilton, singer Britney Spears and actress Lindsay Lohan.
It is important for parents to talk about the images that promote wild behavior, Janet said.
She remembers when Lohan, 20, starred in Disney's remake of "The Parent Trap" when she was 11.
"She was so pretty and everything," Janet said. "Now look at her."
Lohan entered rehab May 28 after crashing her car into a curb and was arrested for driving under the influence, according to the Associated Press.
Tiffanie said Lohan, Hilton and Spears are too wild.
"They need to calm down," she said.
Spears completed a monthlong stay at a rehabilitation treatment facility in March after attracting media attention for wild behavior that included partying with Hilton and shaving her own head, according to AP.
Last year, Hilton said she is a good role model, according to a statement she made in an interview on NBC's "Today" show. She also said that "A lot of mothers come up to me and they're really happy ..."
Kelly Sheffield of Jackson can't imagine why a mother would think Hilton is a good influence on their daughter.
"Her lifestyle goes against everything the Bible teaches on how to live for God," she said.
"She's definitely not a good role model for girls."
Sheffield's daughter, Taylor, is 17 years old.
"I don't agree with her decisions," Taylor said. Her mom is her role model, she said.
"But I know people who do like Paris and think she's cool," she added.
Lizanne Taylor, 16, of Jackson thinks Hilton is cool.
"She's Paris Hilton. She's cute. She's fun. But I don't think what she did is right."
Her friend, Ashley Smith, 16, of Jackson thinks Hilton's sentence is too short.
"She's a normal person," she said. "She's just rich, but she shouldn't get special attention because she's Paris Hilton."
Smith isn't impressed with Hilton. She said her role model is Oprah Winfrey.
"The thing I like about her is that she is rich, but she doesn't just keep it all to herself."
Mallory Yancey, 16, of Jackson thinks the media has unfairly portrayed celebrity Nicole Richie. She is Hilton's co-star from the reality TV show, "The Simple Life" and the adopted daughter of singer Lionel Richie.
"... It makes me mad when all the tabloids say she's anorexic. She just gets stressed out."
Blair said there are issues with role models and the perception of body image.
"It is sending a message that girls have to be ultra thin to be pretty and successful.
"I don't think the media is being overly critical. This is one of those situations where the media is accurately assessing that there is an image problem out there."
The Internet has exaggerated the fame of some young celebrities, Blair said.
"There was a point when Britney Spears was the top person being searched on the Internet," he said. "With all the things that are going on, that's a sad statement for our society at this point."
Find a better role model
Hilton, Spears, Lohan, and Richie can't really be considered a positive role model, Blair said, but they are role models whether they like it or not.
"They are definitely negative role models between their public exposure of themselves, the law breaking and trying to avoid their punishment," he said. "They do not represent the best that our society has to offer."
Society has thousands of young positive role models to choose from whether they're movie stars, athletes, musicians or everyday high school and college students who are making a difference in their community, Blair said.
"Unfortunately, they don't get the same level of press that a Paris Hilton or Britney Spears receives," he said.
Barbara May of Jackson said teenagers shouldn't depend on these young celebrities for guidance. She is a mother and grandmother.
People who work in churches are more ideal role models, she said.
"Parents can be a good role model, too," she said.
Sheffield said as long as parents are representing a good lifestyle, they can be a positive influence for their children.
"That's why we're parents, for our children to look up to," she said. "So we can guide them. That's our job as intended by God."
Blair said that not everyone will look up to their mom or dad as their number one role model.
"We do need to find role models who are facing reality, people who are facing the same challenges we are, and facing them with grace and dignity."
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Singer Britney Spears is belligerent over three billboards by Clear Channel featuring paparazzi photos of her with a freshly shaved head and an angry sneer on her face captioned ‘Total Nut Jobs’.
Smokingun .com has obtained a copy of the official letter from Britney’s lawyer Linda Goldman to a lawyer for Clear Channel demanding the immediate removal of the billboards she calls "outrageous to the extreme."
The three billboards were put up by The Clear Channel owned MJ Morning radio show in Florida and features Spears snarling with a freshly shaved head on one corner and a picture of WFLZ morning show host Todd Schnitt (who uses the air name MJ Kelli) on the other. The 3 billboards vary between them the words: "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy," and "Certifiable."
The Pop Princess’ lawyer states in the letter that Clear Channel was already ordered to take down the billboard for "unauthorized commercial exploitation of [Hot Britney Spears'] likeness" and the company said it would take down the billboards.
Hot Britney Spears' "likeness has a multi-million-dollar value for authorized commercial exploitations,” Goldman writes and, as a result, she is entitled to "very substantial damages" from Clear Channel.
"If Clear Channel continues to ignore the reasonable demands being made on my client's behalf and or again provides us with inaccurate or misleading information," she wrote, "it does so at its peril."
Hot Britney Spears shaved her own head and made herself look like a nut case. she shaved her head in a public place and pictures were taken, I have always been told that if it walked like a duck, quacked like a duck, and looked like a duck, Well, it must be a duck. to sue clear channel would be showing the world that not only you're a duck, but a very insecure duck.
Labels: Hot Britney Spears
(Reuters) - Lawyers for Hot Britney Spears have told a Florida radio station to take down billboards showing the pop star's shaven head as part of an advertisement for its morning talk show.
The billboards featured three identical pictures of Hot Britney Spears, apparently snarling, next to radio station WFLZ's logo and a picture of talk show host Todd Schnitt.
Atop the pictures run the labels "Total nut jobs," "Shock Therapy" and "Certifiable."
A spokeswoman for Clear Channel Communications, which owns WFLZ, said on Monday it had received a letter from law firm Lavely & Singer dated June 14. The letter demands that the billboards be removed and says images of Spears can be used only with consent.
"Clear Channel was already exposed to substantial liability for its offensive, unauthorized commercial exploitation of my client's photograph on the billboards," the letter said.
"Once again, we demand the immediate removal of the billboards, confirmed by documentary evidence and verified under penalty of perjury," it said.
Schnitt said in an interview that Clear Channel had already pulled down the billboards. "I'm not happy with that," he said.
Nude Britney Spears is trying to stage a comeback and reportedly is working on a fifth album. Nude Britney Spears entered rehab earlier in the year after a spree of high-profile partying and erratic behavior, including shaving her blond hair.
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Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber have reportedly married in a secret ceremony. When asked about their marriage plans at Sunday’s Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, Liev told Entertainment Tonight “We are married. You got it first. Break the story!” but refused to give any further information about where and when their nuptials took place. The couple are expecting their first child together over the summer.
Speaking of babies, supermodel Eva Herzigova has given birth to her first child - a baby boy. George Marsiaj Herzig was born in Paris on 1st June, with mum Eva and dad, Eva’s partner Gregorio Marsiaj being “delighted” with their new son. Eva’s spokeperson, who announced the news last night, added: “The whole family are well and they will all be leaving on a holiday together shortly.”
Hot Britney Spears has reportedly reconciled with her mum Lynne Spears after fighting earlier in the year. The pair are said to have fallen out after Britney felt Lynne “forced” her into rehab and Lynne was unhappy about Britney Spears’s plans for a tell-all biography. However, they were spotted laughing and smiling together with Britney’s sister Jamie Lynne in Bel Air over the weekend.
Labels: britney spears pantie, britney spears pantyless
Hot Britney Spears had a secret meeting in Los Angeles to meet with her mom, Lynne Spears to end their feud, reports claim. Apparently, she has decided to forgive her family for "forcing her into a hell called rehab" after meeting with them at a Bel Air mansion. Her mom was accompanied by Jamie Lynn and her boyfriend. The pair were snapped joking and smiling after leaving a one hour secret showdown.
The Sun reports that the pop princess - who used to phone mom for advice ten times a day - made it clear that she didn’t want anything to with her family after her sting in the 'Promises' treatment center in Malibu. Reports claimed that she even snubbed her mum on Mother's Day and refused to go and visit when she was rushed into hospital with pneumonia last month.
But all may now be well. Splash News has video of the meeting and this report:
Hot Britney Spears in her black Mercedes arrived first escorted by her bodyguards and Britney’s mother hiding in the back of the car followed 20 minutes later and all parties departed the gated estate approximately one hour later looking in good spirits.
After recovering from her bout with pneumonia Lynne had been scheduled for what was believed to be a tell all about her famous daughter on the television show ” The View ” but at the last minute pulled the pin.
Labels: britney spears nude, britney spears pantie, britney spears pantyless
Britney Spears Picture is showing up yet again in unflattering photos splashed across newspapers and Internet Web sites.
Mexican TV and print media published pictures that celebrity Web site TMZ said showed the 25-year-old pop star vacationing in Puerto Vallarta. Spears, her long, blond hair extensions pulled back in a ponytail, is wearing a white-and-turquoise cover-up over a bikini that reveals her not-so-toned backside.
Spears completed a monthlong stay at a luxury Malibu, Calif., rehabilitation treatment facility in March after a series of run-ins with the paparazzi that included a stop at a San Fernando Valley hair salon, where she sheared her own locks.
Other photos on the Internet have appeared to reveal Spears out partying while wearing nothing underneath her short skirts. Other photos have shown her battling weight gain.
Britney Spears Picture recently posted a message on her Web site saying she had been acting like a “bad kid running around with ADD (attention deficit disorder).”
“Recently, I was sent to a very humbling place called rehab. I truly hit rock bottom. Till this day I don’t think that it was alcohol or depression,” she wrote.
Britney Spears Picture filed for divorce from aspiring rapper Kevin Federline last November, just two months after giving birth to their second child, Jayden James. The pair also have an older son, Sean Preston, now 20 months.
The couple reached a divorce settlement in March.
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