Paris Hilton calling Britney Spears name

Paris Hilton isn’t too happy after getting dumped by vagina showing Britney Spears and has now started referring to her as Animal, because, “Britney Spears doesn’t think about things before she does them. Britney Spears just acts out.” A Hilton source says Britney Spears dumping of the socialite isn’t personal:
Britney Spears called Paris and said she had decided not to be seen in public with her ‘for now.’ Britney told Paris that it’s not personal
We assume its all about the business of selling her new album and material she can use in the upcoming Vanity Fair article. The only action the pissed off Paris Hilton could do was not invite Brit to her December 18 Christmas party. Paris’ plan of using Britney Spears for her personal gains has now evaporated into nothing more than angel dust or is it baggies of grass?
Britney Spears Nude Crotch Shots Spawn Satirical Vow

Britney Spears no panties crotch shots have caused quite a stir and was easily the biggest pop-culture attention getter of the year.
In 2006, Spears hit the headlines for incidents including driving with her infant son Sean Preston sitting on her lap; having social services call round to investigate reports the boy fell out of this high chair; posing nude on the cover of Harper's Bazaar while pregnant; and filing for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline weeks after giving birth to their second child Jayden James.
Now Britney Spears may not have revealed her New Year's resolutions as of yet, but Page Six reports that her private parts have.
Apparently the satirical Web site,, says the pop tart's pubic area, which Britney Spears famously flashed last month while emerging from limos, has issued this vow: "I will, like, totally try and, um, stay covered up in, um, 2007. No promises though, y'all!"
In other news, Britney Spears has reportedly signed a deal with Vanity Fair to tell all about her failed marriage to Kevin Federline.
A source tells British newspaper The Sun, "Britney Spears has agreed to make Vanity Fair her first big statement about her new life."
The interview will reportedly be very frank. Britney Spears was impressed with how the mag handled Jennifer Aniston's first interview after her divorce from Brad Pitt.
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton over

New friends Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are reportedly not friends anymore. A source close to Britney Spears is saying that she hasn’t been seen with Paris since she posted that message apologizing for her behavior on her website. The source says:
Britney Spears has been told by her people that if she ever wants a comeback, she has to stay far away from Paris Hilton and start acting like an adult.
We would have thought that Britney Spears would have stop hanging out with Paris Hilton and flashing her vagina because she realized she’s a mother with two babies and not just for her own career. Maybe this split is for the best, now Paris can get back into hanging out with Brandon Davis and her old pals.
AP Poll: Bush, Britney Get Thumbs-Down

Bad guy of 2006: President Bush. Good guy of 2006: President Bush. When people were asked in an AP-AOL News poll to name the villains and heroes of the year, Bush topped both lists, in a sign of these polarized times.
Among entertainment celebrities, Oprah Winfrey edged out Michael J. Fox as the best celebrity role model while Britney Spears outdistanced Paris Hilton as the worst.
Bush won the villain sweepstakes by a landslide, with one in four respondents putting him at the top of that bad-guy list. When people were asked to name the candidate for villain that first came to mind, Bush far outdistanced even Osama bin Laden, the terrorist leader in hiding; and former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who is scheduled for execution.
The president was picked as hero of the year by a much smaller margin. In the poll, 13 percent named him as their favorite while 6 percent cited the troops in Iraq.
On the question of celebrity role models, a pop singer's bad behavior claimed worst honors.
When asked to choose from a list of names, nearly three in 10 adults, or 29 percent, bestowed the honor of worst celebrity of the year on Britney Spears.
The 25-year-old pop singer and mother of two young sons recently filed for divorce from Kevin Federline, her husband of two years. She then followed with highly publicized nights out with party girls Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, including photographic evidence of Spears wearing no underpants, which raised questions about her fitness as a parent.
Britney Spears apologized on her Web site, saying she probably went 'a little too far' with her newfound freedom.
Second-worst celebrity billing went to Hilton, 18 percent. The 25-year-old celebutante was arrested for drunken driving in Los Angeles in September while, she has said, she was on a late-night hamburger run.
Mel Gibson, 50, was third-worst celebrity with 12 percent, surely the result of his anti-Semitic tirade at police in Malibu, Calif., during his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving. He later apologized and said he harbored no animosity toward Jews.
In the best celebrity role model category, 29 percent of adults chose talk-show host Winfrey.
The philanthropist and entertainment mogul contributed $40 million toward the establishment of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which is scheduled to open next month.
Fox, who has Parkinson's disease, finished second with 23 percent. He recently was criticized by conservatives for political ads that showed his body shaking as he urged support for a ballot measure promoting stem cell research and for the Democratic Senate candidate over the Republican.
Actor George Clooney, who's been advocating for refugees in the war-ravaged Darfur region of Sudan, finished third with 12 percent.
Eight percent chose Angelina Jolie over boyfriend Brad Pitt, 2 percent. Newlyweds Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes tied at 2 percent.
Rounding out the worst celebrity role model category were Cruise, 9 percent; former 'Seinfeld' star Michael Richards, 6 percent; Nicole Richie, 5 percent; Federline, 4 percent; Lohan, 3 percent; and Jolie, 2 percent.
Angelina Jolie and Cruise were the only celebrities to land on both the best and worst lists. But more people named Jolie best celebrity role model, and more people named Cruise worst.
Bush was the choice of 43 percent of Democrats for villain, and 27 percent of Republicans for hero.
The telephone poll of 1,004 adults was conducted Dec. 19-21 by Ipsos, an international polling firm. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.